Majority Of Bonds Issued By Banks

As reported by MB Securities, most of the successfully issued corporate bonds come from real estate and banking businesses. Specifically, Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) mobilised 3.318 trillion dong of bonds with terms of six to seven years, interest rates for the first period of 8.1-8.2 percent per annum, and for the subsequent periods, floating at interest rate plus 1.2-1.3 percent per year. Vietnam International Commercial Joint Stock Bank (VIB) issued two trillion dong of two-year bonds, fixed interest rates from 6.75 to 6.9 percent per year. Vietnam Prosperity Joint-Stock Commercial Bank (VPBank) also successfully raised 1.75 trillion dong with a three-year term, and a fixed interest rate of 6.3-7 percent per year.

Tan Lien Phat Tan Cang issued 2.029 trillion dong of one-year bonds, paying interest once every three months, interest rate for the first term is 10 percent per year, the following periods are floating by reference interest plus 2.55 percent per year. Phuoc Hoa Rubber mobilises 1.1 trillion dong of one-year bonds, fixed interest rate at 13 percent per year.

In the first 11 months, VPBank and Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank (ACB) are still the two leading units in terms of successful bond offering of 13.86 trillion dong and 10.45 trillion dong, respectively. Following, VIB issued 9.85 trillion dong, interest rate of 6.3-6.8 percent for three to five year term.

BIDV joined the 10 biggest bond offering units, ranked 7th in the group with 4.418 trillion dong successfully issued, interest rate of 7.95-8.2 percent per year, term of 6-10 years. Three enterprises in the top are Bong Sen, Sovico and Vinametric.


Category: Finance, Vietnam

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